
Circular blade(圆环刀)

飞虹刀片厂成立于2005年,是专业加工不锈钢食品机械刀片,特殊刀片,精密异形刀片的企业,飞虹拥有精湛的生产技术,精密的生产设备及完善的管理体系。一支由年轻化、知识化、专业化的技术队伍是飞虹刀片生产厂家迅速走在同行业前列的保证,强大的全球信息网络和销售网络,使公司产品与国际品牌及市场接轨 并引领国内同行稳步发展。


You can send an email I - 200599818 @ qq.com
My foreign language communication ability is limited, but I can through the translation software to understand to your email, please send email for me, thank you!
Email will need to provide detailed drawings, had better have 3 d drawing, or leaf samples photos, you must tell me the product material, the blade hardness and order quantity, etc.